
Beyond grateful at turning 60 and here's why

Here's why I feel fabulous at turning 60

Beyond Grateful at 60!

As I sit here reflecting on the incredible celebrations that marked my 60th birthday, I find myself at a loss for words – not because there's nothing to say, but because there's so much to express.

This journey to 60 has been a whirlwind of emotions, memories, and growth, and putting it all into words feels like capturing the essence of a lifetime in a single moment.

But here goes...

One thing that stands out to me today is an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the blessing of health and strength that have carried me through these years.

As many of you know me well know I have often lived life at 100mph, and I’ve finally come to realise slowing down (a little - not too much!) and investing consciously in both my physical and mental well-being over the past few years has been one of the most rewarding decisions I've made. Each day feels like a precious gift, a chance to savour life in all its richness.

But health and strength aren't the only treasures that age has brought me. I'm surrounded by an incredible family whose unwavering support and love have been my bedrock. From being a devoted mother to Lottie and Joe, to caring for partners who are no longer with us, and now embracing the role of Nanny to our adorable Pennie, my journey has been marked by a deep commitment to others. Together, we've weathered life's storms and celebrated its joys. With each passing year, our bonds have grown stronger, reminding me that the heart's capacity to love only deepens with time.

And speaking of time, the realisation that I've reached 60 leaves me somewhat ‘’how the hell did I get he here!’’ Ha-ha! — It's as if those years slipped through my fingers like grains of sand, each carrying with it moments of laughter, tears, triumphs, and challenges. Life certainly has woven a tapestry of experiences, both beautiful and challenging, leading me to the place I stand today.

Those who know me well, know the hurdles I've faced – the pretty shitty curveballs life has thrown my way. Yet, here I am, a survivor in every sense, not without vulnerabilities, but standing tall, grounded, and grateful.

Amidst the challenges, it's been my dedication and hard work that has carried me forward on my journey. My work has often been the lantern guiding me through the darkest nights, the ladder I climbed to rise above adversity. It's those trials that have forged the strength I carry today.

But strength doesn't mean going it alone. I'm profoundly thankful to all of my amazing and supportive friends both old and new - thank you for being there when I needed you.

My journey has also brought me, remarkable clients, individuals who have placed their trust in me. Your confidence in my abilities has been both humbling and empowering, driving me to constantly strive for excellence.

And in more recent years my partner, Mark, whose presence in my life has been a beacon of safety, love, and understanding. His unwavering support has been my shelter in life's storms, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

So, as sit and reflect I can confidently say that I'm in an awesome place – the best place, in fact. At 60!! - What the heck!!

I honestly feel like I've reached the peak of health, happiness, and gratitude. I am looking forward to the new adventures and chapters waiting to be written. As I embark on the next phase of this incredible journey that we call life, I carry with me the wisdom of years gone by and a heart bursting with gratitude for all that has been, all that is, and all that is yet to come.

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